Ricardo NicolayevskyMi cabeza, mi casaJanuaryJan 31st, 2013Gaga Mexico City

In every lineal thought there ́s always a vicious circle… RN

Gaga is pleased to present “My head, My House” the first solo show of the young musician and filmmaker Ricardo Nicolayevsky. In this exhibition the artist invites the spectator to penetrate and make way in to his most private and intimate spaces.

The construction at the center of the gallery stands for his head. Inside of it, in a chaotic and plethoric way, his psychological space is represented including his mental operations (ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc.) and at the same time the never ending process of filtration and correction of his literary work, a task that has taken most of his time the last decades. In his head the artist uses printed versions of his texts as wallpaper to cover the labyrinth ́s walls evidencing his corrections and the impossibility to finish his work. Drawings and collages chaotically complement and illustrate his nonsense texts.

The guest has the impression of being in someone ́s mind, witnessing everything that has been or could be created in it for a long time or any time.

Outside of this construction or outside “his head” stands his house. Here we can see his piano, which the artist has started to intervene with his aphorisms, writing them with white enamel. Nicolayevsky will continue this work until the closing of the show, when the piano should be covered all in texts on music. Next to the piano the walls are covered with framed drawings and collages which as a whole offer a parody of the artists own references and taste.

This space takes us to a parallel time alongside the one inside the head. This way the artist looks for a possibility of simultaneous times. The house and the head are apparently independent and at the same time interchangeable or also even the same thing.

In his house, the artist looks for the aesthetic of old times, as a take-off of course, to establish his comment about his standing as an outsider, as someone who feels incompatible with the current trends and time and not as part of the art world.

The artist and Gaga would like to thank:
Francesca Vilchis, Vladimir Zambrano, Ibérica de Marcos Dra. Lili Kassner, Mónica Ornelas, Arturo Delgado, Adriana Jiménez Moles & Fátima Retana.


House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa


House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa

Ricardo Nicolayevsky

Detalle de la Vocación de San Mateo de Caravaggio, 1975 – 1976
Tempera sobre lienzo
100 x 80 cm

House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa

Ricardo Nicolayevsky

Los muros del laberinto de mi cabeza, 2013

House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa

Ricardo Nicolayevsky

El hombre que perdió la cabeza, 1956 – 2013
Pintura de Phillip Stein intervenida por Ricardo Nicolayevsky
Acrílico y tinta china sobre óleo sobre masonite
121.5 x 93 cm

House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa

Ricardo Nicolayevsky
George Sand en mi cabeza, 2013
Técnica mixta
56.3 x 37.3 cm

House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa

Ricardo Nicolayevsky
Autorretrato desmembrado, 2013
Técnica mixta

House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa

Ricardo Nicolayevsky
Mente en blanco
Esmalte sobre impresión fotográfica sobre papel de algodón
63 x 79.7 cm

House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa

Opening performance

House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa
House of Gaga ❧ Mi cabeza, mi casa