José Rojasi y mi objetoJuneJun 11th - AugustAug 1st, 2009Gaga Mexico City

José Rojas (1978, Mexico City) lives and works in Mexico City. He has a BA in Architecture by the Universidad Iberoamericana and completed the IM Masters from the Design Academy Eindhoven. His work has been shown in the International Architecture Biennale in Rotterdam, Tensta Konsthall Sweden, and his Master’s thesis Project developed in the EKWC (European Ceramic Work Centre ) was granted cum laude.

His work departs from a direct relationship with materials. Based on experimentation, his work does not stand on a clear idea of the results which allow him to develop projects as diverse as bricks that respond to various natural processes, moss and lichen carpets and upholstery, water walls or moldless concrete castings. A search for a new place in architecture outside the computer questioning the monotony and limits of ‘style’ and repetition, as well as contemporary architect’s sophistication of the ‘modern’ formula.

For his first solo show in Mexico, Rojas presents a series of exercises that have as a departing point the work and methods of Kurt Schwitters, Juan O’Gorman and Frank Lloyd Wright, in order to talk about a more intimate, imperfect and non definitive architecture.

Gaga wants to express special thanks for the support of: Antoine Perez, Mauricio Mesta, Santiago Mesta, Arturo Jiménez, Adriana Lara, Ile


House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Escultocolumna Contemporánea Num. 1 / Sculptocolumn (Contemporary), 2009
Materiales varios, medidas variables.
(Granito, plástico antiderrapante, Neones, cancelería de aluminio, café natural y blanca, Mármol, vidrio ahumado esmerilado, vidrio tintex verde, vidrio ahumado, vidrio esmerilado, cuerda negra de algodón, rejilla de aire acondicionado, soportes de tablaroca, y columna IPR 8 x 4 pulgadas negra).

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Bomarzo en mármol (ogni pensiero vola / cada pensamiento vuela) / Bomarzo on marble, 2009
Acuarela sobre mármol / Watercolor on marble
75 x 55 x 8 cm

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Arquitectus 1, 2009
Materiales varios / Various objects
75 x 55 x 8 cm.

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

El Ying y el Yang (Homenaje) / The Ying and The Yang, 2009
Pizarra y mármol blanco con pegazulejo.
75 x 55 x 8 cm.

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Ventana Ojo / Eye window, 2009
Instalación en tablaroca / installation on drywall
90 x 50 cm.

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Ventana Ojo / Eye window, 2009
Instalación en tablaroca / installation on drywall
90 x 50 cm.

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Espiral del estilo 1 / Style spiral 1, 2009
Textil en concreto. / Textile in concrete
70 x 60 cm.

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Mesas de concreto / Concrete tables, 2009
Base de acero, concreto gris / iron suport and concrete
Medidas variables

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Gruta Baño (GAGA) / Bathroom Grotto (GAGA), 2009
Intervención / Intervention
Materiales varios, yeso, pintura / Various materials , objects and plaster
Medidas variables

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto
House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Escultocolumna Moderna Num. 1 / Sculptocolumn (Modern), 2009
Materiales varios, medidas variables.
(Concreto, vitroblock, aluminio natural, aluminio dorado, mármol travertino, mármol verde Tikal, onyx, mármol blanco, vidrio tintex verde, vidrio transparente, madera, soga, antiderrapante gris, viga IPR 8 x 4 pulgadas blanca).
Pieza única

House of Gaga ❧ i y mi objeto

José Rojas

Lámparas de concreto (manos) / Concrete lamps (hands), 2009
Concreto, focos, socket y cable / Concrete electric instalation, light bulbs



i must, that interests me;
i interests, must say modernism
say, that me NOT AT
i that AT must ALL
i say modernism NOT AT
me, say must ALL that

controls, all outlines and
surfaces, the and the details
outlines, details the all, of
the perfectionist the dimensioning of
of the the dimensioning of
of the perfectionist, the all

from details about adjustment / refinement
the conquest, acme about hypersensitivity;
the of artistic about hypersensitive
comes refinement about details and
form; of refinement from adjustment
the pure form; an a

controls, dimensioning of and
perfectionist details, the outlines of
and the all detail control
details the controls, the dimensioning
of perfectionist controls all and
details of perfectionist of the

interests say NOT, i say
that me AT that, that
must, must me, say:
interests in modernism NOT, i say
must modernism say ALL ?
i say that ALL i


A a of its place
A a of and its
its never building style; its
building is product of its
building product its
place / time, a) its style never

not necessarily nature, developed of
nature, principles, nature of the
did not nature, to of
represent developed nature, of principles
did represent nature, but developed
did not necessarily nature, but

result of style a product
building product of and time,
never imposed style, the place
its an of a product
its place and never imposed
A building is a its

a) expression unmediated in forms”
a) in and developing a
expression a forms” method
in that a “free forms”
a forms” elicit a developing,
a spontaneous expression and a)

in methods elicit
spontaneous expression and developing
expression: “free art, spontaneous forms!”
to a spontaneous expression in
in method architecture a-forms”
in “free -seek spontaneous- forms!”