We became aware of a space in which there was just the apex of a pyramid…. then realized over a period of years that the apex was actually one corner of a cube. Many years pass by, and we become conscious of a blob growing on the lower corner of the cube, which had been the original apex corner. As the blob grows, we realize that it’s our brain… and some years later we realize other people are there too…
I Accept
- BC came up with a writing mechanism which led to the discovery of the blobs.
- The blobs are not text: the writing was more like blob coding.
- The blob is form turned outward, to space and other interiors.
- Blobs are also self-guided, a way of steering the work in time
- Other words we used a lot during our work: ad infinitum, incarcerated, portal, virtual reality, human, hole, poster, door, avatar, quarantine, Meetka, meme, limited, dumb, diagram, space, body, NPC, brick, Google, gaga.
- We said, Instead of form we say “for me” and, I want you to give me this power to you.
- Meetka is a neighbor who became our model and the blob’s new body.
- In the park with Meetka, we thought about doing VR without goggles.
- Blobs are real
- Posters are how we enter and exit a blob. They are portals.
- words we kept removing from the work : quarantine, avatar, COVID, 5G, prisoner, writing, text, VR
- Thank you: Joseph Tidwell for the portrait of Willie Nelson, Cecilia Fraher for the watercolor of the New Jersey shore, Jennifer Lacy for FREE US FROM COVID; Meetka Otto for modeling; Gabe Rubin, Ross Fletcher and Uncle Son for vocal performances; Kenneth Hartman for connection and consulting; Dream Adoption Society (Warsaw) for VR filming; Irfan Brković for video editing expertise
Bernadette Corporation
Willie, 2021
Inkjet print mounted on door
83.86 x 31.5 x 1.38 inches
213 x 80 x 3.5 cm
Bernadette Corporation
Black Tree (I Accept), 2021
Inkjet print mounted on door
83.86 x 31.5 x 1.38 inches
213 x 80 x 3.5 cm
Bernadette Corporation
Covid, 2021
Inkjet print
35.94 x 25.71 inches
91.3 x 65.3 cm
Edition 1/1, 1AP
Bernadette Corporation
Park Bench (Something that comes…), 2021
Inkjet print mounted on door
83.86 x 31.5 x 1.38 inches
213 x 80 x 3.5 cm
Bernadette Corporation
White Tree (Shitting into my mouth…), 2021
Inkjet print mounted on door
83.86 x 31.5 x 1.38 inches
213 x 80 x 3.5 cm
Bernadette Corporation
For Me, 2021
Inkjet print mounted on door
83.86 x 31.5 x 1.38 inches
213 x 80 x 3.5 cm
Bernadette Corporation
Seashore, 2021
Inkjet print
35.94 x 25.67 inches
91.3 x 65.2 cm
Edition 1/1, 1AP
Bernadette Corporation
Bed (Stick Figure), 2021
Inkjet print mounted on door
33.46 x 83.86 x 1.38 inches
85 x 213 x 3.5 cm
Bernadette Corporation
Bed (Flying around…), 2021
Inkjet print mounted on door
33.46 x 83.86 x 1.38 inches
85 x 213 x 3.5 cm
S walks in the park, chatting with a low flying eagle that’s sometimes a seagull (species confusion). The bird comes and goes as S walks and thinks about media and mediation since Nietzsche. There’s a fresh idea of media that is in all of us. We are this idea, as it streams through us. We comprise it. With these special qualities a medium is the thing that never stops producing itself. And so how does it help to have ideas about it? So time for example is a medium par excellence, comprised by us, makers of time. Bound in a constantly surprising way to the ongoing circus that we call the human anatomy. So it’s erotic now… it wants. And it wants life/death. There is a quality called in death, which means, not dying, not dead, but in death, which is a weird way of being that also always supports itself.
Trying out forms such as beer pong tables, the alphabet, LED lighting and infinity mirrors, The Gay Signs is populated by a few familiar characters: Nietzsche (author of The Gay Science), Sylvere Lotringer, seagull, hillbilly, Heliogabalus (the Syrian-born emperor of Rome, as told by Antonin Artaud), as well as Kanye and Kim. Meanwhile, the space of the speech bubble is a sort of lake mirrored to infinity, or an endlessly spreading stain or spill. A portrait of a medium that is a constant stream, an agonistic game, where a winning toss results in the insertion of yet more intoxicating fluid into the body of one’s adversary. The game surface horizontalizes language and image, getting the work off the wall and closer up to the pelvis.
Sylvere’s elegy to the world via the alphabet.
What is a diagram?
Where what is said matters more for its continuous rearticulation of a medium as the channel of power. So reinvention and disruption become the new, updated components of a constant stream. A medium is the thing that you are able to become blind to. It can be a vehicle for character to the point where only character appears. This is a dynamic of disappearing. To find the medium look to those who exist most purely as character. Especially unassimilated character with (therefore) maximal potency or magic. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the mirrored lake, a drowned hillbilly chimes in, reminding us that intoxication is also part of the equation: we can almost see his mind. The bird comes and goes, each time more fucked up, drugged or drunk, flying while falling and thinking strangely. S keeps on, and the next time he meets the bird it’s dead on the ground with x’d out eyes. The bird has a final idea. S supplies a punch line and keeps on.
Bernadette Corporation (est. 1994) lives and works in New York City. Recent solo exhibitions include Stedelijk
Museum, Amsterdam (2016); Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (2013); Artists Space, New York (2012); Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna (2011); Galerie Neu, Berlin (2010).
Bernadette Corporation
The Gay Signs Sign, 2017
Laser etching on 1/2 clear acrylic, aluminum channel, RGB LED light tape, power supply
17 x 21 x .75 inches
43.2 x 53.3 x 1.9 cm
Bernadette Corporation
Heliogabalus Beer Sign, 2017
Laser etching on 1/2 clear acrylic, aluminum channel, RGB LED light tape, power supply
16 x 13 x .75 inches
40.6 x 33 x 1.9 cm
Bernadette Corporation
Eagull 1, 2017
SAV and direct print on 1/2 clear acrylic, 1/4 white acrylic
37.625 x 28 x .75 inches
95.6 x 71.1 x 1.9 cm
Bernadette Corporation
Eagull 2, 2017
SAV and direct print on 1/2 clear acrylic, 1/4 white acrylic
37.625 x 28 x .75 inches
95.6 x 71.1 x 1.9 cm
Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda
Sheʼs gone, 2009
Trisha Donnelly
Untitled, 2008
Adriana Lara
5, 2010
Danny Mc Donald
Mindy Moves In, 2010
Susanne M. Winterling
Untitled (loop in two), 2010
super 16mm to DVD
Karl Holmqvist
Iʼm with you in Rockland, 2005
25 min.
Nina Könnemann
Early Morning Lessons
Bernadette Corporation
Hell Frozen Over, 2000
Alex Hubbard
Paranoid Phase of Nautical Twilight, 2009
Nina Könnemann
Pleasure Beach
Antek Walczak
Dynasty, 1998
50 min.
Fernando Palma Rodriguez
Coyote, 2000
“En este mundo no hay nada cierto, salvo la muerte y los impuestos.”
Benjamín Franklin
“¡Muerte, impuestos y partos! Nunca hay un momento conveniente para ninguno de ellos.”
Margaret Mitchell, Lo que el viento se llevó, 1936.
Primero la noción de persona, del latín personare, que quiere decir resonar. Era la mascara usada por los actores, luego se convirtió en el papel o el actor mismo, para luego derivar en un individuo de la raza humana. Aquel que en la vida real representa una función y que existe hasta el momento de su muerte.
Luego persona moral, del latín persona ficta como forma jurídica y mores, costumbre. O persona jurídica, una entidad no natural o física vista por la ley con el estatus de persona; un sujeto aparente que oculta a los verdaderos. Existe como consecuencia del acto jurídico de constitución y puede tener una vida que exceda la de aquellas personas que la constituyen.
Entonces la pregunta es, ¿cómo y qué declarar ya sea como persona física o como persona moral, en la dinámica de la exposición colectiva de verano? Performances pasados, retratos, cuerpos y proyectos de largo plazo, personajes ficticios y Empresas… Para aquellos que declaran y aquellos que deciden no hacerlo. Para aquellas personas morales y las que son inmorales, e incluso aquellas que no existen.
Fernando Mesta
Junio 2010 , México D.F.
Alex Hubbard
Canvas and fiber glass
123 x 116 cm
Emily Sundblad
CD/ Lista de canciones: Si me dejas te destruyo. (2010)
Pamela Rosenkranz
The most important Body of Water is Yours (2010)
Acryl on Spandex
1.78 x 2.3 cm